Referral Philosophy
Our philosophy is to support our referring dentists with complex endodontic cases, to treat more complex cases and return the patient back to the referring dentist to provide a cusp protected restoration. We do this by providing courses for referring dentists to improve their skills, and through the use of a CBCT scanner improves diagnosis and treatment planning.
We are able to accept referrals from both dentists and patients for:
Endodontic Treatment
Apical Surgery
Restorative Treatment
The combination of passion, experience, knowledge, and specialist equipment allows us to achieve a high success rate in treating complex root canal treatments.

We abide by a very strict no-poaching policy from the referring dentist. This ensures that patients that are referred from another practice never register as general dentistry patients. This avoids any conflict of interest at the outset.
We have a team who are empathetic, who treat every referral with the highest level of care and professionalism. We are passionate about providing the highest standard of treatment, mindful of patients comfort throughout. Following completion of treatment, the patient is referred back to the referring dental practitioner.

Endodontic Referrals
Our high standards are achieved by: constantly updating our skills and knowledge by attending post graduate courses, through training and development, feedback and audits, vesting in high quality equipment and materials as the technology improves and the use of a CBCT scanner improves diagnosis and treatment planning
In addition to this, teaching at Birmingham Dental Hospital has allowed Anish and Chris to discuss some of the cases that are not straight forward with other consultants and specialists which ensures that our clinicians are providing the best possible care to our patients. Biraj also leads a number of courses and is involved with researching and publishing Endodontic literature.
We almost always place a core following endodontic treatment. This ensures that the root canal is sealed on completion as this has an impact on the long-term outcome. Furthermore, placing the core ensures that even if there is a delay in placing the cusp protection, the tooth is not compromised. We will not however provide any final/cusp-protected restoration or any further restorative treatment unless specifically requested by the referring dental practitioners. We are sensitive to the fact that many general dental practitioners are capable of carrying out more advanced dentistry to a high standard. A referral to our practice for endodontic treatment will result in the patient only having that treatment undertaken and we will hand the patient back to the referring practitioner for final restoration.
We often go through great length to explain the difficulties and the complexities of endodontic treatment to the patients that have been referred and this often helps to settle potential disputes and misunderstandings between the referring dentist and patient.
Diagnosis – Sometimes the diagnosis is not straight forward.
Endodontic treatment of teeth with complex anatomy for example sclerosed canals and curved root canals.
By-passing ledges or obstructions.
Re-treatment of failed root canal treatment
Fractured instrument retrieval
Post removal
Perforation repair
Assessing restorability of teeth
Trauma cases
The endodontic treatment will only be undertaken if the tooth is restorable.
We will try and send the post-operative radiographs and report to the referring dentist within a few days of completion. Some patients are encouraged to return within 6 months to monitor post-operative healing.
Restorative Referrals
We accept referrals that require the diagnosis and management of the whole spectrum of prosthodontics, restorative and cosmetic dentistry. Including:
tooth wear cases
quadrant or full mouth rehabilitation
aesthetic dentistry
full or partial denture cases
TMJ or parafunction cases
Ignacio is very committed to creating a healthy smile, using all required restorative dental procedures which in turn, often transforms patients’ lives. He also is involved in educating the next generation of dentists as a clinical tutor in restorative dentistry at the Queen Mary University of London.
Each restorative case is carefully planned and undertaken using the latest equipment and materials. Ignacio’s treatments are carried out with exceptional attention to detail and dedication throughout.